Hi, I'm Luca

AI systems engineer (student) with background in computer science

🚀 Selected projects

TTA : Test Time Adaptation

Implementation of a TTA solution to increase image classification accuracy without re-training a model

Deep Learning




Robotic manipulator

From the object detection and pose estimation of rigid objects to evaluating the dynamics and trajectories of a 6-DOF UR5 manipulator in order to achieve automatically "pick and place" tasks


Object detection

Pose estimation

Artificial Dataset generation

Motion capturing

An experiment about manipulating and correcting motion capture data of an optical tracking system.


Unreal Engine 5

3d environments

CUDA programming

A dive into GPU programming with CUDA, tackling problems such as the matrix transposition and image processing with the convolution operation

GPU programming

Parallel computation



💪 Working experience

Collaborating with the "Data science for health care" department I was able to make a study on state of the art approaches to Dimension Reduction, analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of both novel and traditional techniques on hard cases such as the gene-expression analysis.

This experience thought me solid foundation about the field of Dimension Reduction, and most importantly dealing with scientific papers and documentation. It was also a good occasion to practice with both Python and R for data analysis and machine learning.

Machine learning

Dimensionality reduction

Scientific documentation


Fondazione Bruno Kessler - FBK

📍 Trento, Italy

Junior Researcher (Stage)

mar 2023 - jul 2023

😌 My work values & ethics

AI re-ontologizing power is something so exciting and sometimes frightening at the same time it caught my eye just as the CHAT-GPT revolution came. At the time i told myself I wanted to be part of that, so here I'm trying to do my best while diving into such a thrilling field.

As someone once said, "with great power comes great responsibility" 🕷 🕷 🕷.
That's why I believe as engenieers we often have an under estimated responsibility in shaping peoples' life






🛠 Tools I work with

Programming languages

Python" C C++


PyTorch OpenCV OpenCV OpenCV

Other softwares
